Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding |  +1 (360) 385-4948 | [email protected]

Summer Launchings

Boat School Launches Three New Student-Built Boats A Marsh Cat, carbon fiber dinghy, and Culler sailing skiff all hit the water. On Friday July 21st students at the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding launched multiple student-built boats demonstrating a variety of construction techniques they have learned.   The Marsh Cat is a 15’ cat boat designed by Joel White that…

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Hear our instructors on video!

As a team our instructors share a devotion to the highest levels of craftsmanship. They are inspiring professionals with years of wooden boat building experience before becoming teachers. This experience helps them successfully guide students in their personal career goals and aspirations. You can see and hear our boat building instructors on video by clicking on the following Youtube…

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Planking the Batela!

The Batela is a traditional Venetian boat, that is, developed in the Italian city of Venice. It is a flat-bottomed boat with a slight degree of rocker (meaning, the bottom is curved from bow to stern) to make it easier to row and control. Rowed standing up, it is essentially a cargo carrier or ferry. The Traditional Small Craft…

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Stand out from the crowd! Enroll in Boat School today!

Enrollment at the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding is now open for the 2014-2015 school year. The new Enrollment Forms and School Catalog are published and posted online at the following link: The Boat School has capacity for a new cohort of 55 students each year, the 12-month Associates Degree programs starting on or around the date of…

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CHAMBERLIN-36 Keel completed!

Congratulations on completing the keel of the CHAMBERLIN 36! Shown left to right are: Students Korey Ruben, Corey Rodgers, Cyrus Dworsky, Penelope Partridge, Ryan Wilmsmeier, Mussa Ulenga, Alden Rohrer, Instructor Ben Kahn, Reuben Ewan, Adrian Candaux, Jeff Lydston, Mike Lee and Alex Cox. This big 36-foot long motor sailor was designed by designer Carl Chamberlin of Port Townsend, WA…

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