Submit a Job Email Thank you for submitting a job for NWSWB graduates. Please fill out the form below to submit an employment opportunity. The information you provide will be distributed to our alumni via e-mail. Name of Person Submitting Job * Business or Person Hiring * Company Website Who do Applicants Contact to Apply? (Name) * The person that should be contacted when applying for position. Hiring Contact Phone/Email * Phone AND Email are best. What position are you hiring for? * Ex: Boatbuilder, Shipwright, Woodworker, Composites Technician, Carpenter, Program Director etc. Length of Job * Full-time Part-time Temporary Project-based Other Upload Job Description/Posting Job Description * Please provide responsibilities, tasks, or skills that the position entails. If your position is already posted online, pleasy copy the link into this section. If there is already a job description available in a digital file, please upload in the "Upload Job Description/Posting" in the field above or attach in an email to [email protected]. Have you hired a NWSWB graduate before? * Yes No How did you hear about us? * Internet Search Word of Mouth Magazine Social Media Event Met/Hired an Alumni Other