Keeping Local Waterways Free of Wastewater
Hull Raiser Magazine: Fall 2022
THE PORT LUDLOW MARINA has set a new standard for customer service and environmental stewardship with the christening of Clean Bay, a zero-emissions workboat that has been providing free pump-out services to recreational mariners since May 2022. The project was a joint effort between local marine businesses, private donors, and state agencies, which share a common goal of promoting environmental stewardship.
The boat’s conception, construction, and use are all tied to the Olympic Peninsula. Local naval architect Tim Nolan created the design to look like a traditional Northwest workboat, Turn Point Design created all of the CNC forms from which students at NWSWB constructed the boat, using a combination of traditional and contemporary techniques.
“Building Clean Bay gave boatbuilding students experience with laminating, strip-planking, and cold-molded construction;
vacuum infusion; foam core construction; working with CNC production; millwork; and joinery,” says Boatbuilding Instructor Bruce Blatchley. “It was a great learning experience.”
Installing the boat’s systems gave students in the marine systems program experience with a variety of new technologies. “We’re teaching and deploying state-of-the-art systems and propulsion technology for which, in many cases, standards have yet to be written,” says Marine Systems Lead Instructor Kevin Ritz. An electric propulsion system, lithium-ion battery banks, solar panels, and an advanced impressed cathodic corrosion protection system contribute to the boat’s green footprint. Not only will Clean Bay protect the local waters from recreational boat waste discharge, it will also protect Port Ludlow from accidental fuel/oil leakage, since it carries no fossil fuels and will prevent deposition of heavy metals by avoiding the more common “zincs” traditionally used for corrosion protection.
The Clean Bay propulsion system is a 48-volt electric Torqeedo Cruise-10 FP POD drive that is powered by four 48-volt lithium ion Torqeedo batteries. These batteries provide roughly eight hours of propulsion and pump operation under normal conditions. This system includes a very specific Battery Management System installed in the boat that charges the 48- volt battery bank.
12-Volt Electric System for Additional Functions
Electric and shore power will both contribute to providing power for other systems in the boat, such as the chart plotter, radar, depth sounder, navigation lights, VHF radio, bow thruster, and the Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System. This system includes two 6-volt sealed L16 AGM deep cycle batteries. There are two Renogy 300-watt 12-volt Mono-crystalline solar panels to augment shore power charging of this 12-volt system — both while the boat is out being used and also while it’s at the dock getting charged. There is also A racking system to mount the panels with appropriate wiring, including specialized cables and solar branch connectors. The project uses a Victron MPPT SmartSolar Charge Controller for the solar panels and there is also a shore power charger for the batteries.

In addition to installing the above systems, students installed an isolation transformer to ensure the boat doesn’t leak electricity. It will provide AC Shore- line isolation from the other vessels in the marina and offers corrosion reverse polarity and voltage spike protection for our systems.
The Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) System provides cathodic protection (corrosion control) without imparting heavy metals into the marine environment. The alternate method of using sacrificial anodes, which is a common practice, put heavy metals into the water.
Clean Bay incorporates Viktron Energy Systems Cerbo GX which provides 24/7 connectivity to the internet so that systems such as battery voltages or in the future the bilge alarm can be monitored remotely.