Length: 14′ 1/2″ Beam: 4′ 1/2″
Type: Row and/or motor
Construction: Western red cedar on oak frames
Coming in at 14 ½’ in length and a 4 1/2’ beam and constructed of western red cedar over oak, these simple designs make a good boat for beginning students to build during this first quarter at the Boat School. Rugged enough to launch right from the shore and easy enough to haul on a trailer, this skiff is great for rowing, fishing, or as a tender to another vessel. Easily carries a small outboard, a few friends or small family, and gear. Outboard engine not included.
Price: $4,700
To purchase, please contact the school directly: [email protected]

Atkins Sprite Runabout (Blue Hull)
Length: 14′ 1/2″ Beam: 4′ 1/2″
Type: Row and/or motor
Construction: Western red cedar on oak frames
Coming in at 14 ½’ in length and a 4 1/2’ beam and constructed of western red cedar over oak, these simple designs make a good boat for beginning students to build during this first quarter at the Boat School. Rugged enough to launch right from the shore and easy enough to haul on a trailer, this skiff is great for rowing, fishing, or as a tender to another vessel. Easily carries a small outboard, a few friends or small family, and gear. This version is modified with foredeck, sidedecks, and outboard well. Outboard engine not included.
Price: $4,700
To purchase, please contact the school directly: [email protected]

Grandy Light
Length: 14′ 1/2″ Beam: 4′ 1/2″
Type: Row
Construction: Western red cedar on oak frames
The Northwest’s Grandy Boat Company used to build 12’ lapstrake skiffs that were an excellent balance of form and function. This project involved lofting a modified design with strip-planking for an airtight hull and vacuum infusion for the carbon fiber exterior.
Price: $4,000
To purchase, please contact the school directly: [email protected]

Culler Vee Bottom Sailing Skiff – “Posy”
Length: 14′ 9″ Beam: 5′ 3″
Type: Row or Sail
Construction: Western red cedar on sapele frames with yellow cedar bottom
Designed by Peter Culler, this daysailer’s inspiration lay in the fine Bahama dinghy model and has excellent sailing qualities achieved by its V-bottomed haul. It is constructed of Western red cedar planking over sapele frames with a yellow cedar bottom and cedar/canvas deck.
Price: $6,700
To purchase, please contact the school directly: [email protected]

Cold-Molded Sailing Grandy “Sport”
Length: 13′ 7″ Beam: 4′ 3″
Type: Row or Sail
Construction: Western red cedar planking on khaya veneer
The Grandy Boat Company was formerly located on Lake Union in Seattle and made many hundreds of boats both large and small during a long tenure there from the early 1920’s to 1967.This composite version takes a turn to the modern side with a red cedar strip planked hull with khaya veneer, creating a versatile, light, and strong recreational craft. This boat was built in tandem with a traditionally constructed Grandy to give students the opportunity to learn both construction techniques simultaneously.
Price: $6,400
To purchase, please contact the school directly: [email protected]

Leland Skiff
Length: 13′
Construction: Western red cedar on oak frames
The “Leland Skiff” is a 13′, flat bottomed, cedar planked skiff with oak frames and a yellow cedar bottom. It’s loosely based on a Culler skiff with a plumb bow and was designed by instructor Leland Gibson with his beginning project students. The boat is on display at Aldrich’s grocery store in Port Townsend, WA. Many thanks to Aldrich’s for showing off local craftsmanship.
Price: $2,900
To purchase, please contact the school directly: [email protected]