Intensives Cancellation Policy by NWSWB:
If minimum enrollment is not met our policy is to cancel a class 14 days before the start date. A full refund will be given in the event a workshop is cancelled by the school. Please keep this policy in mind when making your travel arrangements.
Intensives Cancellation Policy by Student:
A student may cancel enrollment without cause. The cancellation notice must be in writing. If a student cancels prior to the start of the course, the school may retain a registration fee of $100. If the student cancels during the course, the following refund schedule will apply:
Refund Schedule
If the student completes this amount of training: | The School will keep this percentage of the tuition: |
One day or up to 10%, whichever is less; | 10% Retained |
More than one day (or 10%), whichever is less, but less than 25%; | 25% Retained |
25% through 50%; | 50% Retained |
More than 50%; | 100% Retained |